*Pre-Registration is for currently enrolled students, incoming Kindergarten students, and currently waitlisted students who registered prior to June 30th, 2024


SCOPE Education Services is the largest child care provider in the state of New York, serving more than 7,000 students. All SCOPE child care programs are licensed by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services and are operated in public schools on Long Island.

Program Overview

SCOPE Child Care programs provide a safe, fun, caring environment for the children of working parents. A variety of age-appropriate supervised games, sports, arts and crafts, and enrichment opportunities are offered, as well as healthy snacks, scheduled homework/study/reading time and daily opportunities to socialize with peers.Schoolboy in primary class counting beads on a bracelet


  • SCOPE Child Care is available to all elementary students residing in the district (transportation restrictions may apply).
  • There is an annual non-refundable registration fee and a non-refundable monthly tuition fee due upon enrollment. (Parents must re-register each year)  Please note that fees are subject to change.
  • Enrollment is on a first come, first served basis due to staffing and capacity licensing restrictions.  A wait list will be established when the program is full.
  • Enrollment is based on continuous monthly usage.  In order for your child to remain enrolled, the minimum monthly tuition payment must be paid. Refer to the Tuition/Calendar Section.
  • Your child must have the NYS required immunizations to be admitted.

There are 2 schedule options:
  1. Consistent Schedule (Child will attend every day school is in session)
  2. Pick Your Days Schedule (Child will attend on a part-time basis on days you select in advance for each month.)  There is a 5 day monthly minimum fee plus a daily rate for each day over the 5 days that are pre-selected online.  For additional part-time enrollment and fee information click here.
NOTE:  SCOPE is not a drop-in child care program.
Parents are responsible to notify the SCOPE Site Director and the child’s teacher of all absences and schedule changes.



Each SCOPE Child Care Program has an OCFS approved Health Care Plan that is available to parents upon request. In accordance with the NYS approved SCOPE Health Care Plan and OCFS Regulations, parents are responsible to implement immediate pick-up arrangements in the event their child is sick.

  • This includes signs and symptoms of fever, vomiting, head lice and other infectious diseases.  Parents will be notified immediately in the event of an illness or serious injury.  The completed Emergency Authorization Form that parents are required to complete each year provides SCOPE with parent permission for emergency medical treatment for their child.  This includes providing first aid and calling 911 for medical assistance in the event the illness or injury is severe.  In the event a child is taken directly to a hospital, a staff member will accompany the child.  SCOPE insurance will cover 100% of all uncovered medical costs incurred to a child who is hurt at SCOPE.
  • It is important for parents to inform SCOPE of any special health care needs his/her child may have.  An Individual Health Care Plan may be required.  In the event a child requires more than the 1:10 staff to student ratio, an additional staff member will be hired.  An additional nominal fee may be charged to the parent.
  • The Site Director and Assistant Site Director are certified to administer oral, inhaled medication and epinephrine auto injector medication on an emergency basis to children diagnosed with allergy/asthma.  Parents are required to complete medication authorization forms and review with the Site Director.
  • All SCOPE child care programs participate in the Elijah’s Law Initiative by stocking non-child specific Epinephrine Auto injector devices for emergency treatment of a child appearing to experience anaphylactic symptoms (unless medications have been provided from home).  Note: Non-child specific Epinephrine Auto-injectors are not in place of providing prescribed medication for a child with a known allergy.  Additional information of the Elijah’s Law Initiative can be found on the Office of Child & Family Services Website:
  • All other medications will only be administered if it is required under provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (to be determined on a case by case basis).
  • Outdoor play is a regulatory requirement unless it is extremely cold or raining.  Please ensure your child’s comfort by dressing your child appropriately.  Exclusions to keeping a child inside during outdoor play time require a doctor’s written statement and our ability to cover staff to child ratios.
  • Children are required to wear sneakers or closed toe rubber sole shoes in order to use the playground equipment or to engage in active play.
  • Children in long dresses and skirts, or a dress/skirt without shorts, may be restricted from using the playground equipment for safety reasons.
  • Children are not permitted on playground ‘monkey bars’ or any hanging apparatus while at SCOPE.
  • Children must remove dangling necklaces and earrings before engaging in active play.
  • It is a license regulation to inform all parents, in writing, in the event a SCOPE child has a communicable disease.  (Child’s name will not be disclosed.)
  • As mandated reporters, all SCOPE staff is required to report any suspicion of abuse or neglect and can be held criminally liable if they fail to report suspected child abuse or neglect.
  • Report any actions by SCOPE staff that you deem inappropriate to the SCOPE District Manager.  If these actions involve suspected child abuse, contact the Child Abuse Hotline immediately at 1-800-342-3720.
  • SCOPE will not release a child to a parent or designated pick up person if, in the judgment of the staff, the person is acting in a way that is consistent with the inappropriate use of drugs or alcohol.  While we cannot hold a child against his/her parent’s will, SCOPE staff will be required to contact the local police and CPS.
  • If a child resides in two separate households with their custodial parents, SCOPE will require that each parent complete their own emergency pick-up form.

Allergy and Anaphylaxis Policy


Students with Special Health/Medical Needs:

If your child has a physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional condition expected to last 12 or more months who requires health and related services of a type or amount beyond that generally required by children, please click on the appropriate button below to complete required paperwork. 



Program Activities:

  • A daily schedule is posted on the Program Display Board located at the Parent Sign In/Out table.
  • A Program Activity Calendar listing featured games, crafts and events will be posted on the Display Board each month.
  • The dedicated time for Homework/Studying/Reading for PM programs is a minimum of 40 minutes daily.
  • Daily activities include age-appropriate recreational, educational and quiet games, including arts & crafts and organized active play.
  • Special events, presenters and enrichment opportunities are provided throughout the year on pre-determined dates which are indicated on the posted monthly activity calendar.

SCOPE After School Homework & School Support:

SCOPE schedules approximately 40 minutes of quiet time for homework and school support each Monday – Thursday (refer to the posted schedule at the program for the specific start and end time).  During this time, children are directed to work independently.  Staff will be available to answer questions regarding homework directions, to provide encouragement, and to oversee that children are quietly on task.  If children complete all homework assignments, they will be directed to read or study.  Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and First grade students will participate in staff directed quiet activities.  Additional homework/study/reading opportunities may also be provided as an alternative activity.  Please note that your child’s participation during scheduled academic time is dependent upon your pick-up time.



  • USDA approved healthy snacks are served daily in AM & PM Programs.
  • The snack menu is posted on the Display Board.
  • SCOPE is a peanut free program and provides gluten free options.
  • If your child has dietary restrictions, peanut free snacks may be sent in from home with approval from the Site Director.
  • Parents are encouraged to donate food items for special events (holiday/birthday celebrations, edible crafts, etc.) as requested by the Site Director through monthly Parent Sign-up Sheets located on the Display Board.
  • With advance SCOPE approval, parents are welcome to bring in store bought peanut free food items for students to share.


  • All staff undergo an extensive background check and are fingerprinted and cleared through the NYS Central Registry for Child Abuse & Maltreatment.
  • All staff meet/exceed NYS Office of Children & Family Services licensing requirements.
  • The staff to student ratio is one adult for every 7 pre-school children, one adult to every 10 children between the ages of 5-9 years old and one staff member for every 15  children between the ages of 10-12 years old
  • All staff receive a minimum of 15 hours per year of paid mandatory training.
  • The Site Director and Assistant Director are certified in First Aid, CPR and Medication Administration Training (MAT).

Emergency Information/School Closings:

SCOPE, in cooperation with the school district, has established specific emergency and safety plans that are coordinated with local police, fire departments and the NYS OCFS. These plans include the identification of primary and secondary emergency evacuation sites, a designated shelter in place location and documented drills for preparedness.  Parents will be notified of the evacuation locations and provided advance notice of the shelter in place drill date. In the event of inclement weather or other emergencies (e.g., no power) the PM program may be closed or close early.  Parents will be notified through a computerized messaging system via text and/or e-mail.   It is critical for parents to keep all work and emergency contact numbers up to date. SCOPE cannot accept responsibility in the event a school district has an emergency delayed opening and AM SCOPE is cancelled, or when PM SCOPE is cancelled or closes early due to an unscheduled emergency.  In the event of an early closing, parents are responsible to implement their emergency back plans to ensure their child is picked up before the closing time.  Emergency alternate arrangements are necessary in case your child is sent home early from school.  It is important to discuss these arrangements in advance with your child, your child’s teacher and your emergency contacts.

Parent/Guardian Communications & Involvement:

Parents/Guardians are always welcome to visit their child at SCOPE and to participate in special events and activities.  To facilitate our shared commitment to the well being of your child, we encourage continuous communication between you and the child care staff at mutually convenient times.

  • Parents/Guardians are required to review and initial your child’s Emergency Authorization Form on your child’s first day of SCOPE each year.  This will take a few minutes so please plan accordingly.
  • Add the SCOPE site cell number and SCOPE site e-mail address to your phone contacts.  It is important to leave a message in the event there is a schedule change or if you will be late to pick up your child (PM only).  In the event it is closing time and we have not heard from you, the Site Director will call all of the phone numbers provided on your Emergency Authorization Form and Registration Application, including all emergency contacts.  If, after 30 minutes, SCOPE has not established contact with anyone, the Site Director will contact the police.
  • Immediately notify SCOPE of updated phone numbers, home address, work place, authorized pick-ups, custody arrangements, health issues or any other changes.
  • Parents or other designated pre-authorized adults (age 18 or older) are responsible to escort and sign in for the AM program each day and to sign out for the PM program each afternoon.  Photo ID will be required from authorized individuals if they are unknown to the staff.
  • Unauthorized persons (anyone who is not listed on the Emergency Authorization Form) will not be permitted to pick-up a child.
  • In the event that your child has a problem with another SCOPE child, please do not approach the other child.  Speak to the Site Director and let him/her resolve the issue.  NOTE:  SCOPE will not share the disciplinary action for another child.
  • SCOPE cannot prevent a parent from picking up his/her child unless copies of court orders are on file.  It is the responsibility of the parent to update forms and to provide legal documentation.

Program Schedule/Scheduled Early Dismissal Days:

SCOPE will follow the school district calendar by operating on all full school days.  The Before School Program will  operate on all scheduled early dismissal days.  Extended Day Child Care will only be offered on scheduled early dismissal days (for an additional fee) depending on: district approval, if the Site Director and one additional staff member is available to work, and if there is sufficient enrollment. Parents are responsible to provide a peanut free lunch for their child.   Snacks and drinks will be provided by SCOPE.

Behavior Management:

Behavior guidelines have been developed to help children acquire and improve self-control and to learn techniques to resolve conflicts peaceably through positive guidance and communication.  SCOPE rules are posted on the program Display Board and are regularly reviewed with the children.  In addition, a Student Code of Conduct Statement is required to be signed by each parent and child upon enrollment.  SCOPE staff is trained to guide children in becoming responsible for their own actions and to help them grow in respect for the rights and feelings of others.  When conflicts develop, the staff will listen to what each involved child has to say and help resolve the conflict through effective communication.  In some instances, children may be removed from one activity and redirected to another.  Older children may be asked to complete a Student Report Form (to explain their actions and what he/she will do in the future) to be reviewed and discussed with the Site Director.  The Site Director is required to complete an Incident Form (indicating unusual and/or negative behavior) and to review it privately with the parent.  The parent is required to sign the form as evidence that the form has been received.  The parent and the Site Director are expected to formulate an agreed upon plan of action to support SCOPE’s efforts to ensure appropriate behavior. In the event inappropriate behavior continues after steps have been taken to  facilitate improvement, a suspension followed by exclusion from the SCOPE program will occur, if deemed necessary, for the safety and well-being of the children and staff.  Corporal punishment is strictly prohibited.

Social Media, Electronics, Personal Belongings:

  • The Site Director is responsible to carry the SCOPE smart phone on his/her person during program hours.
  • Students are not permitted to use cellular phones during SCOPE program hours.
  • If you need to get in touch with your child or the Site Director during program hours, please contact the SCOPE site phone and leave a detailed message.  Staff will check messages periodically throughout the program hours.
  • Hand held electronic games are not permitted while at SCOPE.
  • Children may only use district issued chromebooks/iPads for homework purposes during homework time.  Once homework is completed, chromebooks/iPads must be put away.
  • SCOPE is not responsible for the loss or damage of electronic equipment or toys brought from home to the program.


  • SCOPE accepts Mastercard, VISA, American Express, Discover and ACH payments.  There is an automatic online payment option available.
  • There are full-time and part-time enrollment options.
  • Part and Full time monthly tuition options applies to all ten school months.
  • The monthly tuition is subject to change.
  • There are no credits or refunds for absences.
  • There is no switching back and forth between rates.
  • The first month’s tuition is due upon your acceptance into the program.
  • After the first tuition payment all subsequent tuition payments are due in advance, no later than the 25th of each month, (The October tuition payment is due by September 25.)  A $20 late payment fee will be charged for payments received after the 25th.
  • For the safety of your child, part time parents are responsible to indicate their child’s SCOPE schedule for the upcoming month online by the 15th of each month.  Part-time schedules submitted after the 15th of the month are subject to a late schedule charge.  In the event an after school program full time student will not be attending on a specific day, do not change the online schedule as this would impact your billing.  It is important to notify the Site Director and child’s teacher directly. If your child will be attending a school based activity during program hours and then returning to SCOPE, notify the SCOPE Site Director.  Children will not be permitted to go to the activity unless you have notified the Site Director.  It is important to ask the Club Leader/Teacher to escort your child to SCOPE at the end of the activity.  Speak to the SCOPE Site Director if this is a problem.
  • For additional part-time enrollment and fee information click here.
  • To withdraw from a program, contact (631) 360-0800 ext. 207 during business hours (9:00am-4:30pm) or email:  NOTE:  Credits/Refunds will only be issued for withdrawals received prior to the 25th of the month for the following month.  No credits or refunds for withdrawal within the same month.
  • There is a 20% sibling discount for the 2nd child and a 40% sibling discount for the 3rd child. 
  • A 5% discount is available to parents who prepay for the entire school year.
  • Subsidies/reduced rates and limited scholarships are available for income eligible families.  Contact (631) 360-0800 ext. 207 for further information.
  • Late pick-up fees will be applied for every 15 minutes, or part thereof, that you arrive late.  Excessive lateness (more than 3 times) will result in the removal of the child from the program.
  • Students will be withdrawn from SCOPE if tuition is not received within 30 days of the due date.
  • Monies (cash or checks) may not be collected by SCOPE staff for any reason.
  • Refer to the SCOPE Frequently Asked Questions for additional Registration/Payment Information.

Parent Information & Resources:

  • LI Regional Office of Children & Family Services – Website: (631) 240-2560
  • Child Abuse Hotline (call to report suspected child abuse or neglect)      1-800-342-3720
  • Parent Helpline (call for information about child abuse & neglect, for referrals to local organizations that help parents and children, and to find out what you can do to prevent child abuse)   1-800-CHILDREN
  • NYS OCFS Complaint line – Website:   1-800-732-5207
  • Long Island Parent Center   (631) 321-1840
  • Suffolk County Department of Social Services (child care subsidies)   (631) 853-8714
  • Nassau County Department of Social Services (child care subsidies)  (516) 227-7976

SCOPE Before & After School Child Care Forms & Information:

  • Click Here to download and print the list of SCOPE Before & After School Programs
  • Click Here to download the Parent Checklist
  • Click Here to download the NYS Department of Health brochure, “Together We Can Raise Healthy Children”
  • Click Here to download the NYS Department of Health brochure, “Together We Can Raise Healthy Children” (En Espanol)
  • Click Here to download the NYS Office of Children and Family Services brochure, “Understanding adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
  • Click Here to download the Child Care Scholarship Application
  • Click Here to download the Child Care Scholarship Application (En Espanol)
  • Click Here to download Frequently Asked Questions
  • Click Here to review SCOPE’s COVID-19 Guidelines for Child Care.

For further information, please call (631) 360-0800, ext. 100, 123, or 237: When leaving a message please indicate your name, mailing address, phone number and the location of the program for which you wish to register.