Parents please register for enrichment programs here: Enrichment – SCOPE Education Services

**Accepted methods of payment are: ACH Savings/Checking Account, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Sibling Discounts MAY BE offered for ADDITIONAL SIBLINGS ONLY. REFER TO YOUR DISTRICT PAGE. Discount should be applied to the course with the lowest fee.


We strive to provide an engaging and high-quality enrichment experience for all participants. Please note that refunds will not be issued due to dissatisfaction of a particular course. Additionally, once the course has begun, we are unable to process any refunds for any reason. Thank you for your understanding and support.

School Year Enrichment Programs

SCOPE Enrichment’s goal is to enhance the academic and curricular experience of your children. SCOPE offers robust curriculum in STEM, fine arts, music, reading and mathematics, as well as culinary arts, performance arts and a variety of robust subject matters for children across New York State. Please RSVP ASAP for all SCOPE programs as all classes are first-come first-served. SCOPE requires a minimum number of students to run classes, and courses may be canceled or combined at any time due to low enrollment and parents will be notified. Please reach out to us at 631-873-8338 or email with any questions! We look forward to enriching your child’s academic experience through Before/After school, Saturday, Summer and Virtual enrichment opportunities.


2024-2025 School Year Enrichment Programs



Summer 2025 Enrichment Programs

SCOPE will offer Summer Enrichment 2025 in many partnering districts. Please click below to see our Summer 2025 general program offerings:

Under the Sea Summer 2025 Enrichment Programs

2025-2026 School Year Enrichment Programs

Please check back periodically to see specific program fliers for each of our partnering districts. 






Virtual Enrichment Programs for Students in Grades K-12

Each course features FOUR 1-Hour classes via ZOOM by skilled and certified instructors.  Courses are offered in the evenings and are a great way to continue your child’s learning at home!  Join students from all over NY State!

2024-2025 School Year Virtual Enrichment Flyer



Information for School Districts regarding SCOPE Enrichment After School Programming for 2024-2025


After School EDM Program Information